0:07 - Language Discoveries
This one is only a concept for now but it's basically an extension of the Revised Language Nursery Remake I made in August. I envision this one being in the 4:3 screen size because I want to combine the clips with ones from B.E. Ripoffs.
Clips courtesy of International Baby 101, Start Smarter - Shapes and Everyday Objects, and VideoToyGamer.
Sound design by Bill Weisbach.
1:15 - Revised Shapes in Motion
This will be what I'm using the showcase animations from my "Baby Newton's Shape Showcase" mini movie and unlike the original Shapes in Motion video I made, there will be more than just Mozart and Vivaldi for the music videos.
BEMC courtesy of Koala 18849
Puppeteers - Corey's Kid Show and me
2:08 - Revised Noah's Floating Zoo
Another concept idea where I revise and organize my old Discovery Kit "prequel". The animals would be more organized and I would incorporate 2D animations before the music videos like the one seen in this montage since Premiere Pro has smoother animations with positioning and such.
Sound design - Bill Weisbach
Puppeteer - me
Stock footage courtesy of Videezy, Pexels Videos and Pixabay.
3:21 - Baby Bach's Brandenburg Concertos
I'm finally fixing a few things such as certain toy clips I made a while back and puppet shows now that I have more capabilities on the new software, see the original trailer here:
Sound design - Koala 18849 and Bill Weisbach
Clips courtesy of Jagger, me and Sam.
Also the character art on the fanmade covers were by me and Elizabeth Weaver.
I hope you like my concepts for future uploads, this won't affect progress on Neighborhood Animal Expedition, Baby Galileo Remake or Baby Haydn's Concert Hall.
Thanks for watching!