
Piloting the surge: Streaming Video and Academic Libraries

Piloting the surge: Streaming Video and Academic Libraries Demand for streaming video seems to increase by leaps and bounds every year. This demand has led many libraries into an ever-tightening cycle of allocating limited funding to it. Libraries of all sizes approach meeting the demand in varying ways, utilizing acquisition models from perpetual access to demand driven acquisitions and more. Chicago State University’s Gwendolyn Brooks Library decision to trial and acquire Kanopy was completely a patron-demand-driven undertaking. It was spearhead wholly by faculty interest in the resource and ranged from the inquiry for a trial to implementing its PDA model.
CSU librarians plan to discuss the acquisition process, steps for making the trial and then the resource available to the CSU community, promotion of the resource, and reassessment and analysis of the initial acquisition and subsequent reinvestment of more funds in the resource. In the latter case, initial allotted funds were quickly depleted, so additional funds were allocated to this resource. We will end by presenting lessons learned.
In 2016, the Ohio State University Libraries had an opportunity to meet user demand by starting long term pilots with three different streaming platforms – Kanopy, DocuSeek2 and Swank Digital Campus. With long term pilots, the OSU Libraries had the luxury of time to evaluate each platform for usefulness of content, manageability of the acquisition model and to develop workflows for managing streaming film acquisition generally.
This presentation will describe the pilots, how they performed over the three pilot years and any changes made. It will finish by discussing how the pilots were evaluated as they ended and impacts on how streaming video acquisitions will be managed at the OSU Libraries in the future.


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