
There a million women being held prisoner in the US.

There a million women being held prisoner in the US. ‪ The largest rally this year in Iowa was not led by Bernie Sanders or Marianne Williamson,
but 16-year-old Swedish autistic climate activist Greta Thunberg and a teenage crew of Iowa City climate strikers including Paul Kangas.

❤️YouTube: paul8kangas.

“There are a Million Women being held prisoner in the US & Minnesota, in the basements of mosques,
subjected to gentile mutilation, brain washing,
force labor,
beaten daily,

denied the Right to: education, to Freedom .

Religion is the enemy of the people.”- Karl Marx‬

ALEC:: This is because, while leftists hawk vaccines and pride themselves on their obedience to doctors and "scientists," they are doing nothing more than falling into line with a massive Koch-funded and ALEC-facilitated propaganda campaign.

American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)

For those who may not be familiar with the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), the council is considered a "non-profit organization" made up of Conservative state legislators and corporate private sector "partners."

This mixture of government officials and corporate agents then meet regularly, replete with funding from major corporations all across the world to discuss, plan, write, and submit legislation that is beneficial to the corporations.

In one sense, ALEC is a massive corporate lobbying firm. In another, however, ALEC is much more,

since much of the legislation submitted by the attentive congressman is actually written for the Senator or Representative by the agents of the organization.

It is an organization that provides funding and direction (marching orders) for Congressmen, particularly those at the state level.

While slimy billionaires like George Soros act as the guiding force behind much of the American left, ALEC and KOCH Industries tend to fill the same void for the right; although, in truth, most of the corporations that make up ALEC are those who also fund Democratic candidates.

Presentation, however, in a carefully crafted political theatre like the United States, is paramount.

As Alan Greenblatt describes the organization in his article for Governing,


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