
Top 5 most paying engineering Jobs. ENGINEERING EPIC.

Top 5 most paying engineering Jobs. ENGINEERING EPIC. There are over 40 different types of engineering careers in 5 different sub disciplines. Learn more about the top engineering career paths, compare the highest paid engineering jobs, view salary ranges for each engineering career, and figure out which is best for
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Some of the highest paying careers in the world are found in engineering. Engineering is widely considered as one of the most lucrative and in demand career choices, with multiple engineering disciplines and job types, as well as salaries that can exceed $100 thousand per year once the engineer has some experience behind them. Engineers tend to earn in excess of the national average salary and this is expected by some reputable organizations to continue in the future. In fact, Engineering degrees make up 10 of the top 17 highest paid degrees at the time of writing. The methodology used for gathering the list of careers in engineering was to utilize the US. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics data, combined with reports on salaries, unemployment, and career outlook from reputable sources, such as Universities, Forbes Magazine, US News & World Report, and reputable Engineering associations, such as the National Society of Professional Engineers and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. For the list of sources complete with their website, go here.
No. 1 is petrolium engeenering.
The median starting salary for petroleum engineers is $74,240, with the mid-career salary of $132,320, and with experienced petroleum engineers making around the $186,520 mark. Industry groups anticipate many employees will retire in the next decade, just as the global demand for energy is increasing. The demand for petroleum engineers is expected to exceed the number of individuals trained to fill available positions increasing demand.
No. 2. Electric Engineering.
Newly graduated electrical engineers have a median starting salary of $57,330.

Many electrical engineering jobs are tied to designing, testing and supervising the manufacturing of electrical equipment, but some electrical engineering careers consist of designing electronics schematics for commercial and consumer use.

Job growth in these areas is expected to be around 6%, a rate lower than average, through the rest of the decade.

Mid career salaries for electrical engineers are in the neighborhood of $89,180.
No. 3 is computer engeenering.
The median starting salary for a computer hardware engineer is $63,970. This is a relatively new field of engineering and some sources say that there are not enough computer engineers to keep up with demand while other sources say that the job growth for computer engineers will be below the national average. As schools start producing more computer engineers, the job growth rate could potentially slow. A computer engineer can anticipate earning a mid-cThe median starting salary for a computer hardware engineer is $63,970. This is a relatively new field of engineering and some sources say that there are not enough computer engineers to keep up with demand while other sources say that the job growth for computer engineers will be below the national average. As schools start producing more computer engineers, the job growth rate could potentially slow. A computer engineer can anticipate earning a mid-career salary of $101,000. Emerging along with computer and software engineering is data engineering. Sometimes data science degree programs are combined along with engineering or computer science programs, as there is a lot of crossover with coursework. career salary of $101,000. Emerging along with computer and software engineering is data engineering. Sometimes data science degree programs are combined along with engineering or computer science programs, as there is a lot of crossover with coursework.
No. 4 is aerospace engeenering.
A new graduate with a degree in aerospace engineering can expect a starting salary in the range of $65,450. With cutbacks in space exploration the Department of Labor expects that the need for aerospace engineers will grow at 5% over the next few years, a slower pace than the average job market. A mid-career salary for an aerospace engineer is $103,720

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