


In simple terminology, the human body is the five senses (sight, touch, taste, hearing and smell); the human soul is the Will, Intellect and Emotion; and the human spirit is the Conscience. The Cognitive Researchers, responsible for training research and development in mind control technologies, are targeting the Human Soul

Whereas the Spirit of Man (Conscience) is metaphysical and therefore cannot be replicated and duplicated. The Soul of Man is both physical and metaphysical. The Soul obviously has metaphysical qualities or it could not survive in Heaven or Hell, but it is also physical. The Human Soul is intrinsically tied into the Neuronal Circuitry of the Human Brain. It’s your personality. It’s who you are when your alone and no one else is watching, but God. That’s the Human Soul.

Again, the Human Soul is comprised of three things:

1. Will
2. Intellect
3. Emotion

Because the Human Soul is physical it can therefore be replicated and duplicated. This is how they REPATTERN (rewire) the Memory and Thought Process of the Mind Control victim.

By constant activation and reactivating of specific sets of the brain waves (rage, lust, fear, paranoia, guilt, etc.) of the mind control victim, which the RNM system remotely captured, held and is perpetually replaying - over and over each day and night in a looping pattern inside the mind of the victim via a bi-directional stream of fabricated and falsified brain wave signals (memories and motivational impulses) in the victims mind - the RNM Supercomputer is able to reinforce those fabricated and falsified (artificial) brain wave patterns over the normal brain waves of the victim thereby REPATTERNING the victims Memory and Thought Process. Victims begin to think differently; react differently, etc., to their destruction.

CIA/DIA Contractors are using Organized Stalking to create and establish memory anchors, using physical and psychological abuse and trauma to map out and reverse engineer the sensory and neural pathways of the mind control victims brain and central nervous system

Whole Brain Emulation (WBE), mind upload or brain upload (sometimes called "mind copying" or "mind transfer") is the remote neural process of scanning the mental state (including long-term memory and "self") of a particular persons brain substrate (Will, Intellect and Emotion) and copying it to a computer. The computer can then run a simulation model of the brain's information processing, etc., such that it would respond in essentially the same way as the original brain (i.e., indistinguishable from the brain for all relevant purposes) and experience having a conscious mind.

it is done to achieve DIRECT BEHAVIORAL CONTROL over the mind control victim.

By speeding the cognitive model (copy-cat parallel twin personality) up they can then turn the sweetest kindest most moral person on earth into the worst satanic monster imaginable, or slow down the cognitive model, inside the Exascale Supercomputers database, and turn the finest athlete into a human vegetable. They don’t care who gets hurt or killed.

The human soul is not born compatible with a thirst for power and blood and no amount of textbook training in the art of gaining it will succeed in getting the knowledge of it "to stick." The soul will simply be unable to effectively activate such evil capacities until it has been seduced from its original innocence.

Conversely, of course, the soul that hungers for love and truth will reach out intuitively, and take into itself, the kind of instruction that will lead to his becoming a power for good. If you ever had to take a course in school that was of absolutely no interest to you, you know how impossible it is to be receptive to anything with which you are not fundamentally compatible. These human predators had to be trained.

The cognitive researchers are seeking digital and artificial possession of ones Human Soul by hijacking a persons Will, Intellect and Emotion.

All those involved (cognitive researchers, surveillance teams, organized stalkers, cyber stalkers, etc.) in this attack on the eternal soul of the mind control victim will share the same eternal fate. They will be eternally damned to Hell by God.

You don’t get a free pass from God to go after the eternal soul of another human being. In the Bible God eternally damned to Hell those who intentionally targeted another persons soul, and He will do the same to all those involved

It would have been better for them, that they had never been born! God will not accept they did not know, when they rejected the truth by ignoring the Word of God and what it teaches. There are people in Hell right now because of what they didn’t know. Hosea 4:6 states “My people perish (eternally perish) for lack of knowledge”.

“Cursed by God is he who strikes his neighbor in secret” Deuteronomy 27:24

Eat, drink and be merry. The 'Gates of Hell' await you!

Mind Control,CIA,Targeted Individuals,Organized Stalking,Gas Lighting,Haunted House,Occult,

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