
Dead Games: How Old Legend of the Five Rings is simpler than you think

Dead Games:  How Old Legend of the Five Rings is simpler than you think This video is made for those who are not L5R fans, or who were told to stay away from L5R as a game and took the bad advice offered.

Here i address a simple thing: is Old5R a cluster of bad design? This video uses Magic the Gathering terms to describe what's happening, and talk about the initial design from 1995 to 1997. This is the cornerstone on the principles of design and how to play. i spend a few minutes showing a very basic deck-build using just left over from my collection for a clan i don't play.

I honestly think some people just love to trash talk things without having the facts to back up their opinions, or they use a stilted standard to claim some things are flaws when they are not.

Like being western-made asian fantasy, that is a taste point, not a flaw!

In either case, this video shows how easy it is to start Old5R.


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