
FDWB - 2019 Flood Revisited - What it looks like today.

FDWB - 2019 Flood Revisited - What it looks like today. Last year during the March 2019 flood, some of you may remember some of the videos I made showing the locations and effects.

On Jan. 30 2020, I went out again to revisit a few of those sites to do an update. I'll be the first to say I'm not an expert. I'm merely trying to observe it from a drone's perspective and give any additional info. That being said, there were a few things that I noticed: Some areas have not been repaired, some are repaired, some will never be repaired, and some are being prepared for the next flood.

Nebraskans that were affected by the flood last year seem to be of the mindset that it will flood again, the question is, "Is there something, if anything, that can be done to mitigate the next flood's effect."

That question opens the door to a lot more questions. I may cover that at a different time.

Note: On the topic of Beemer, I wanted to add something new. I spoke with a guy that works with rebuilding roads. We spoke about Beemer's attempt to reroute the river and I said they should remove the tree stumps and roots. According to him, the US Army Corp of Engineers will allow the trees to be cut, but the stumps cannot be removed.

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