
Fishing with net lift and lack of empathy and awareness

Fishing with net lift and lack of empathy and awareness Fishing with net lift and lack of empathy and awareness

This clip is useful for those who still believe in the superiority of the human being, on this earth, in the supremacy of consciousness and spirituality.
Two fishermen fishing with net lift.

Look inside the human being! Look at the indifference with which life is treated, how the smaller fish are left to hang through the nets of the fishing net, fall on the concrete and left them struggling, to writhing, in torment, in suffering, in pain.

I know what it is said, that fish don't feel the pain... But the universe feels the pain.

Look at the indifference with which the fish are gathered from the fishing net and throw in the bag.

Indifference to the suffering of the other, indifference to life, disrespect for life, disrespect and gratitude for the environment that gives them food, disrespect for those who have not, disrespect for the present, disrespect for the future, lack of respect for all the things that matter...

The two fishermen are wealthy people, with villas and cars, who come to fish only out of boredom and for fun.And because fishing is...sporty!

They do not fish to give food to the children, they fish to prove to us, once again, as a human being, it has not evolved on this earth, throughout history.

Is true, we have achieved a technological evolution, but not a spiritual evolution.

Don't think there's any difference between the gladiatorial battles of antiquity, inquisition, concentration camps and the way these two people fish. All these come from the inner darkness of the human being.

All these tell the same story about the human being: that it is just a failure of existence, suspended in history, waiting for a miracle to take it out of the mire.

The human being turn away from love from, gentleness, spirituality, compassion, harmony, balance, peace ... in favor of stomach, of greed, of cheap entertainment.

The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters, warns Francisco Goya.

Human being is looking at the stars, praying to the light, but she remains in the mud and eats the living things of the mud. We eat with pleasure all the creatures of the earth with the conviction that God has left them so, that it must be so!

Thousands of years of evolution meant nothing to man.
The human being continues to kill to feed, to entertain and to make money.

If we look within, human being is the saddest experiment on this planet ...If we look outside, to human civilizing cancer, we can fully complete the image of this superior being.

Kindness and wisdom, for each of you!

I go through the forests, mountains, hills, fields, and waters to understand the living world and to create a living mind.

I'm just a man who is on passing on this living earth.

A living earth that is closer to death, because of us, of the human being. I spend all my time in nature, enjoying its show. All this time I try to make a video encyclopedia with flora and fauna that I encounter on this living earth. Sometimes with human fauna ...

I meet wild mushrooms, medicinal mushrooms, edible mushrooms, dead mushrooms, toxic mushrooms, magic mushrooms. Every wild mushroom with its mystery and story. The living earth is still amazing. I meet plants, flowers, trees, shrubs, grass, leaves fallen on the living land, leaves fallen on the dead land, leaves that dance in our thoughts and soul. I meet insects, invertebrates of all kinds, butterflies, worms, larvae, birds, fish, mammals, reptiles, amphibians...

But I also encounter deforested forests, hunters, poachers, animals killed, tormented, in a suffering that words can not express. I also meet people who think it is good that they behave like this.

I stretch my hand and save an insect from the drowning. But this people trample under foot my hand. They make their choice. I make my choice.

Sometimes I manage to correctly identify the species of living beings: mushrooms, plants, animals, insects. Sometimes not. What I know is much less than what I do not know. I am just a man in front of a knowledge that surpasses me, overcomes us.

I do not know enough English yet to make my clips more attractive. But I'm learning...A wonderful life, for all of you!

nature,flora and fauna,in nature,in nature channel,wild nature,Lift nets,lever nets,method of fishing using nets,The nets can be flat or shaped like a bag,dip nets,hand nets.,Portable hand lift nets,Fisheries,Fishing equipment and methods,man feeds like an animal,man is just an animal,man has no conscience,fishermen fishing with indifference,Fishing with net lift and lack of empathy and awareness,

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