
Is living in Mexico Dangerous?

Is living in Mexico Dangerous? Is living in Mexico dangerous? No. Full Stop. Dont get me wrong. I understand where questions like that come from and it's not your fault for asking. I think we as human beings tend to be very apathetic about the places we live in and highly critical about the places other people live. Us vs Them. Go team go and all that. The truth is, Mexico as a country, is just as safe as the US. Yes there are dangerous places. No they're not all dangerous.
No your car will not hey stolen in Mexico. At least it's no more likely to be stolen in Mexico as it is in America.
No you're not going to get shot or stabbed in Mexico. At least youre not any more likely to get shot or stabbed here than in America.
No youre not going to be sex trafficked here. I'm sorry if you saw the latest rambo movie. 😂 Its not really like that.
Honestly before you ask if another city or country is dangerous, you should ask yourself if where you live is dangerous. how likely are you to get stabbed or shot where you live? If you're American, ask yourself how safe Detroit is, or Flint Michigan, or Cleveland OH. What about LA, or NY? Chicago? Do you feel safe? Because I do.
If you have any honest questions about living in mexico to ask, just ask away.

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