
Morrison ‘has a glass jaw': Labor

Morrison ‘has a glass jaw': Labor Prime Minister Scott Morrison has a “glass jaw” when it comes to his handling of the bushfire crisis, according to Labor frontbencher Tony Burke.

The prime minister has been heavily criticised and seen his personal popularity drop in recent Newspolls, partially in response to his initial handling of this season’s bushfire crisis.

Mr Morrison rejected Labor's attack about his responsible during the devastating crisis and accused the opposition of “exploiting” the bushfire crisis for political gain.

Mr Burke told Sky News the prime minister should "show a bit of contrition".

“What happened over summer in term of the public’s view of Scott Morrison’s character that people started to work out he wasn’t the person he pretended to be during the election,” he said.

“He could have shown a bit of contrition, a bit of character, to acknowledge he got things wrong”.


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