
self-confidence is not what you think it is - watch till the end :-)

self-confidence is not what you think it is - watch till the end :-) We are all born with an equal IQ and self confidence. Down the road, if someone ends up with more self confidence than the others, it's because that person worked really hard to build it. It's not like one day he woke up or he finished one quick seminar and all of the sudden he has this vibrant self confidence. It does not work that way. He has it because he consistently worked towards building it. The key here is consistency. Every single day being consistent with it.

If you don't have that self confidence it's because you never believed in yourself and really care for that self confidence. You have given up to the challenging world where issues over issues such as nasty comments from love one or a failure at work, poor performance at school or a customer disrespectful behavior have made holes in it and you have done nothing to fill up those holes. Once Franklin Roosevelt's wife Eleanor Roosevelt said something really powerful “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”

Imagine, you are driving a car with a hand break on. Car is spending much more energy to take you where you want to go. Right. No self confidence in life is like driving through life with a hand brake on.

One very common mistake we make is we start comparing ourselves with others. We see very successful and self confident people and get discouraged not realizing that there is a years of hard work behind it. What we need to do is to compare ourselves with our own selves. What we were yesterday, are we better than that today. Make consistent and slow progress towards greatness. When we stop comparing ourselves with others, and compare our's present with our past and see considerable improvement, that's when self confidence kicks in.

One key to success is self confidence. If a person has it, he could be African American and become a president of united states. She could be a muslim African Immigrant and become a congresswoman, They could be just a common persons for years but one day become one of the best singer in the world, he could be overweight but dance like there is no tomorrow, he could be completely deaf but yet a very entertaining comedian. It's that's self confidence, believing in oneself to go and shoot for the stars.

To achieve that self confidence, you have to constantly visualize yourself someone who could do big things in life and eventually you ended up doing so.

Self care should be top priority because Self-confidence depends on a combination of good physical health, emotional health and social health. It is hard to feel good about yourself if you hate your physique or constantly have low energy.

An old Chinese philosopher Lao Tasou once said "care about what people think and you will always be their prisoner :-) . A perfect example of self-confidence is when a short height woman wears flat shoes instead of high heel in a gathering. She had freed herself from others opinion.

Oh well, When I was a kid, I really wanted to dance. Because of two reason I never danced. One was I had no self confidence that I can do it and no. two I was always scared what if my mom finds out who does not want me to be dancing. Guess what I am going to listen to that Chinese philosopher, I ain't anyone's prisoner. I am not scared of anyone and I am about to dance..

positivity is a choice,choose positivity,positive choices,sajid khan,self confidence,self esteem,self respect,self belief,

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