
The Cycle of Constantly Wanting More

The Cycle of Constantly Wanting More Wow how many times have I found myself in a cycle of constantly craving something only to get it and then want something more. Or not get that original craving only to change and want something else.

Can you relate?

Isn’t it true how many time we find ourselves longing for earthly items that never fully fill that emptiness in our soul. So we jump from one thing to the next. Not understanding why we can’t feel content.

God knew what he was doing when he created man. He created us with a built-in longing for connection. Connection that he knows can never fully be fulfilled on this side of heaven.

We mistaken his patients and gentleness towards us as an absent God. Which isn’t the truth. God hears every thought, wipes every tear, feels joy from every smile and fulfills everyone of his promises in His timing.

Be patient and kind. And keep longing for the things that draw you closer to God. He is listening.


The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.- 2 Peter 3:9 ESV


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