
Age Of Wonders: Planetfall Gameplay | Complete Assembly Battle Walkthrough And Impressions

Age Of Wonders: Planetfall Gameplay | Complete Assembly Battle Walkthrough And Impressions In our new Age of Wonders: Planetfall gameplay we fight the Vanguard as the Assembly. It’s cyborgs versus soldiers as get to grips with Planetfall battles and have fun with drop spore pods and Xenoplague horrors. Please enjoy this Age of Wonders Planetfall impressions and battle walkthrough…

Planetfall Age of Wonders releases on 6 August - this is impressions based on the latest Planetfall demo. This isn’t an Age of Wonders Planetfall review - although we do aim to do one, you’ll have to wait until closer to the time for a Planetfall review. We’ve yet to test the wider meta campaign, as you try to conquer segments of the planet’s surface. Instead these Planetfall impressions focus on one battle, showing how we use secret technology, mods and weapon drops to pulverise the Vanguard beneath our cyborg might. Or something like that.

Couple of things to note about this Planetfall Age of Wonders gameplay - it was captured at E3, on machines supplied by Paradox. Like our vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 gameplay it came out at 30 frames per second for reasons unknown - we were also limited to 1080p. It’s a shame as it’s one of those games where you want to drink in all the little details, from the new Age of Wonders Planetfall factions - get a load of that Plague Lord - to the tiny moustache on the smug face of the Vanguard’s leader, Valentine. Even though we chose an Age of Wonders Planetfall Assembly army, we take a look at what the Vanguard are up to, too.

In this battle-focused Age of Wonders Planetfall walkthrough we show how the basics of combat work, from zipping between cover to using overwatch to pin down enemies. We use the Plague Lord and Wrecker to pump up our Planetfall factions and we use our leader’s ability to kill and kill again. All very fun. We also drop the Xenoplague on the people of this planet - this is what’s required for a tech victory. If we can survive ten turns without losing a Doomsday tower, we can take over this planet once and for all. Long live the Xenoplague!

If you have any questions about Age of Wonders Planetfall do pop them in the comments and we will do our best to answer them. Want to know more about the six factions? We can do that. Want to find out how it’s handle storytelling and lore? We got a bit of that, too. If you want to know the complicated ins and outs of diplomacy… maybe find someone else. Our knowledge only goes so far. I hope you enjoyed this video. If you did, why not check out our other videos from E3, such as our Bloodlines 2 walkthrough or our Doom Eternal preview. Thanks for watching.

#AgeOfWondersPlanetfall #PlanetfallGameplay #AllHailThePlagueLord

Age of wonders planetfall gameplay,Planetfall age of wonders gameplay,Planetfall gameplay,Age of wonders planetfall,Planetfall,Planetfall age of wonders,Aow planetfall,Age of wonders planetfall review,Planetfall review,Age of wonders planetfall impressions,Age of wonders planetfall walkthrough,Age of wonders planetfall factions,Age of wonders planetfall battle,Age of wonders planetfall assembly,Planetfall assembly,rock paper shotgun,assembly,vanguard,plague lord,

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