
July 23rd, 2019. Kian Guilty, Flynn Will Get Substantial Assistance

July 23rd, 2019. Kian Guilty, Flynn Will Get Substantial Assistance Recently, U.S. District Judge Anthony Trenga, the Trump appointee presiding over the case, expressed skepticism over prosecutors’ evidence, leaving open the possibility that he could toss the case against Kian.

“There are very substantial issues as to the sufficiency of the evidence,” Trenga said in court, per various reports. “It’s all very, very circumstantial. Much of it is very speculative.” Per the Post, Trenga reiterated that point Tuesday.

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George Webb is the citizen journalist who discovered a key fact witness and evidences to the famous "DNC Hack" that has not yet been publicized in MSM. He has led a group of online researchers for two years that has added evidence daily to the DNC blackberries and damaged DNC hard drives he discovered at the home of DCCC staffer and close adviser to the DNC, Imran Awan. Here is a monthly timeline of the best summary videos in this first of its kind, investigative journalist effort.

Here is a sample comment from the channel to give you an idea of our typical viewer and their research interests.

Wow George! Been watching you since your first episode #53 over two years ago. Your passion and frustration is showing. I'm 73 and flew as a Nav on C-141 transports for years. Your weapons for drugs scenario is correct. The company funding and supplying covert weapons is correct. What you are reporting on is only slightly below the false veneer of what we are being fed as reality. The actual truth sounds like a tinfoil hat conspiracy romp. It is the rabbit hole of rabbit holes. You are one the best analyzers I have seen. I'm sure you have bumped up against things that have no logical explanation other than the unthinkable in your career. To my eternal regret, I was involved in a very small part of that deeper world for a time. The realization of what I was doing forced me to trash a promising career and become the target of the very people I trusted and worked for. What does this have to do with all that you are doing? What you are exposing is just one tiny part of this web. Unfortunately, the trajectory of things is set. The vast majority of the citizenry in this country and the world are oblivious to what forces rule them. As long as they can get to a McDonald's or Walmart without too much difficulty what you are uncovering and what you are saying will go unheard and will never be acted upon. It is not easy for me to say these things. It is however, the truth. I wish it were not so.

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