
Lost Book of Enki Synopsis Tablets 10-11

Lost Book of Enki Synopsis Tablets 10-11 This exclusive Archive presentation is an original synopsis of the Lost Book of Enki. The Lost Book of Enki is a literary work written by Zecharia Sitchin and published in 2002. Although the book is technically classified as fiction, the basis for its chronology is found in real Sumerian records and accounts of their pantheon of Gods. Sitchin utilized decades of research, translation and interpretation to fill in the gaps of the Anunnaki story as recounted in the historical records of the Sumerians, Babylonians and Akkadians.

#LostBookofEnki #Enki #Enlil

The Lost Book of Enki


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Enki,Lost Book of Enki,The Lost Book of Enki,Enlil,Marduk,Nibiru,Anunnaki,Great Deluge,Ancient Alien,Ancient Astronaut,Zecharia Sitchin,Sitchin,Ninurta,Nergal,Ningishzidda,Nannar,Ishkur,Utu,Inanna,Anu,Alalu,Hammered Bracelet,Anzu,Igigi,Shamgaz,Dumuzi,Asar,Satu,Asta,Nebat,Abzu,Adamu,Tiamat,Kingu,Lahmu,Sippar,Eridu,gold,Adapa,Zuisudra,Galzu,Sarpanit,

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