
Quick Upload - FAMILY LINEAGE Deconstruction

Quick Upload - FAMILY LINEAGE Deconstruction Hello Loves!πŸ’• & Good Morning!🧑

Quick notes I received in downloads yesterday after work. This Lion's Gate has been a hugely trying time for many as we can no longer escape what makes us tick!! For me, it's been a lot of work around #COREWOUNDS #FAMILYTRAUMA & ENVY Archetypes.

We develop these feelings & emotional responses thru the family unit as we are born into the 3D World. There are no faults here, only lessons we discerned to Inherit.

Today we Deconstruct 3 Basic Beliefs//Values that are present in many inverted family structures. Feel free to leave your family anecdotes in the comments below, if it helps you on your journey or you are guided to share to assist another! Thank you guys🧑

⚡Inherited Family Values & Beliefs:

-I have to, because its family

-I have no choice, because its family

-It doesn't matter, because its family


-All human beings are genetic family
⚡therefore all are deserving of original, unbiased basic respect

-All beings are entitled to their own Sovereignty (this allows also the process of Discovering their own Soveriegnty)

-All choices are made for the highest good of all involved.


In Service & In LightπŸ•Š
Amber White

family,trauma,trauma cycles,new age,relationships,complex trauma,PTSD,jealousy,envy,bpd,spirituality,depression,insomnia,mathematics,family trauma,karmic cycles,seasonal depression,borderline personality disorder,nuclear family,karmic family,soul cycles,soul lessons,how to,the ascension journals,5D,

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