
In What Order Should You Interview?

In What Order Should You Interview? #careerchange #careersupport ​#career #careeradvice #careerddevelopment

Maybe you're struggling to find a job, maybe you're wanting some help on negotiation, maybe you're wanting some help in regards to interviews. While I'm on that topic with interviews, I had a really good question tonight from my webinar group, and it was around, in what order should you interview? And it's a great question.

So if you have a recruiter or an HR person, and they ring you and they say, "Hey, we'd like to offer you an interview. We've got either one, two, or 3:00 PM, which one would you like?" Can you all have a guess at which one you should go for? Is it first, second, or third?

But what do you think is best? One, two, or three?

All right, so the answer is: three. Last, every time okay? So here's the thing. You interview first, you're great, you interview second, you're still great, you're just as good as the first, but you're going to dismiss the first, because you're kind of more interested in the second because they're fresh.

Number three, again, you think you've made your mind up already or the HR person has, and then you come along and you're personable, you're relatable. They've already had various interviews, so they're kind of a little bit... not on the tired side, but they're wrapping up, so they're excited, their emotions are knowing it's the last one. So they kind of break the barriers down a little bit, the walls have come down a little bit. And number three, if you are just as good as one and two, you will actually get it, because you're fresh in their mind, you're going to be more personable and relatable, because the thing is, towards the end of your interview, if you're last, you're going to break them down. You're going to have them be more personable, you're going to have them be more themselves, you will able to be yourself, and therefore, you will gel a lot more, okay?

Because people recruit 60 to 70% on culture fit now, more so than skillset. It's absolutely critical that they get the right person for the job, instead of just the right skillset. So hopefully that helps you tonight, critical, if you have an option to go last, and I'll give you an example here, right? So when I hired for my business, I was looking for a PA and I met them all, so I think there was four.
The first person was, okay, the second person I was like, "Yeah, they're perfect. That's it, I'm happy, I don't really need to see the rest of them," but because I had them booked in, I had to do the right thing and adhere to meeting them. The third one was not so great.

The fourth one, I was like, "Wow, okay, this person's good, but I already made up my mind about number two, so, okay. Yeah, no, no, no," and I bought into it because it was my last one, I was interested, and then I was like, "You know what? I think I need to go with you," and because they're the last person, you kind of got more of a buy-in, and you've got that relationship building and potentially, you can look at the offering, because you're at the final one, right?

You're talking to the last person you're meeting, so technically, you would've made your mind up, and because they're the last person, you can actually go that next step further and say, "You know what? Do you want to come back for a second interview, or do you want to talk about, possibly coming in for a trial?" You can't do that if you've done it with number two, but you can if it's the last person. Are you hearing what I'm saying? So always go last, if given the option okay? It's really, really helpful.

interview,career ',career coaching,career consulting,get your dream job,

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