
Guatemala: Migrant caravan attempts to enter Mexican territory from Tecun Uman

Guatemala: Migrant caravan attempts to enter Mexican territory from Tecun Uman Hundreds of Honduran migrants remain in the Guatemalan border city of Tecun Uman on Tuesday, waiting to try and cross the Suchiate River into Mexican territory. Many of the migrants in the caravan are attempting to reach the United States.

Footage shows migrants, some carrying US and Honduran flags, heavily guarded by members of the Guatemalan National Guard. Some migrants attempt to cross the river to the Mexican side, but are captured and escorted back to Guatemala.

According to reports, this section of the Guatemala-Mexico border will continue to be reinforced with security personnel. A new caravan of migrants is expected to arrive in Tecun Uman on Thursday.

"We don't know where we will go in the end, my idea is to stay in Mexico, not go to the other side (US), because Mexico gives opportunities," said one Honduran migrant.

The Mexican government has stated it would offer employment to migrants in southern parts of the country, and that shelter will be granted to those who apply. However, they will not be allowed to move towards the US-Mexican border.

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