
Prayer Music - Connect To The Universe | 852 Hz Miracle Tone: Let Go Of Overthinking & Worries

Prayer Music - Connect To The Universe | 852 Hz Miracle Tone: Let Go Of Overthinking & Worries Prayer Meditation Music To Connect To The Universe | 852 Hz Miracle Tone To Let Go Of Overthinking & Worries. 8 hours of beautiful, peaceful, and healing music for prayer, meditation, and sleep. 852 Hz signifies a full return to spiritual order. It’s related to the harmony that permeates the entirety of the universe. Listening to this tone allows you to open you up to spiritual experiences. This wonderful miracle tone is associated with wisdom, imagination, and intuition. As the ‘eye of the soul,’ it sees things that are below the surface level and hidden from your conscious mind.

While listening let love, openness, and faith spread its roots in your heart. Consciously practice positive affirmations and visualization. Please remember that you are a powerful creator. In your own way open up to a spiritual connection, meditate with God, Return To Oneness and manifest miracles into your life with intention and faith.

'Ask and you shall receive'' but remember to ask intelligently. Shine your light, be love. Gratitude is powerful in manifesting our vision into reality. You are a magnificent light, waste no more time, shine Dear Soul. Be clear on your intentions. Let the flower of your spirit bloom. You are worthy of greatness. You are loved eternally.


The Solfeggio frequencies make up an ancient 6-tone audio scale that is said to date back to biblical times and carry divine-like properties. In recent times, each frequency has been found to carry a specific set of healing, wellbeing and spiritual benefits that it affords the listener.

These include DNA repair, relief from past traumas and opening the soul to spiritual experiences.

We tune all of our music in the miracle tone, 528 Hz. This song has added 852 Hz.

🌸 Learn more about the healing Solfeggio frequencies🌸





What we wish for you: Peace, healing, purpose, understanding, connection

What we believe in: Balance, power of the mind, spirituality, growth, oneness, meditation, wisdom.

What we stand for: empowerment through self-healing and that all of us have great power within.

What we support: Everything that promotes health, personal, physical, and spiritual growth.

We support you on your path of self-discovery and growth.

What we care about: The evolution of our people and the direction we are going collectively as a species. We believe in raising the vibration of Earth. We care about the planet that is our home.

Our spirit greets yours.

Infinite love to all,
Self Healing Collective

prayer music connect to the universe,prayer meditation music connect to the universe,connect with the universe music,connect to the universe prayer music,852 Hz Miracle Tone,Let Go Of Overthinking & Worries,852 hz let go of overthinking & worries,852 Hz healing Meditaiton Music,let go of overthinking & worries music,beautiful music for prayer,healing prayer meditation music,peaceful music for prayer meditation,beautiful prayer music,healing music for prayer meditation,

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