
Finiancial Calculation of Increasing Grade Pay and Salary Hike of Primary Teacher

Finiancial Calculation of Increasing Grade Pay and Salary Hike of Primary Teacher NEW Salary for trained and untrained teachers.
This news is based on daily newspaper or online newspaper. The source of the news in the video. Its only for educational purpose please follow the government websites and government orders..


Financial year,Primary pay fixation rule,primary teachers grade pay hike process,prt scale fixation process,primary new salary calculation excel sheet,process for calculation primary new salary,Salary hike notification published,prt scale,west bengal,6th pay commission,prt salary calculator,prt news,primary teachers new scale,prt scale for primary teachers,Education& knowledge,Untrained teacher,UUPTWA,উস্থি,Pay fixation,Pay protection,Salary calculation,

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